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2015年始より2nd Album制作に取りかかり、3月に先行シングルとして「SCARLET」会場、数量限定発売。それに伴いIndian Death Lock Tour 2015 ”SCARLET”をスタート。大好評にて1ヶ月半で限定枚数の約半数を売り上げた。哀愁漂う歌詞、実直に聴き手の心をストレートに打つ歌声。それを時には楽器を持ち替えエレクトリック、アコースティック等様々な手法でその曲の情景をよりリアルに表現する。その音楽スタイルを本人達は新しい意味で”パワーポップオーケストラ”と銘打った。 2015年の音楽シーンで最も注目すべき存在。5Piece Power POP Orchestra the audio pool今日も音楽を響かせ続ける。
" The Power Pop Orchestra "
This is the primary style to show our unlimited musical potential.
THE AUDIO POOL is Chiba, Japan Based 5 piece J-Rock Band.
They've released thier 2nd full studio recorded album "Escape from the world' in 2015.
This modern five piece Japanese emotional rock band were established in 2009.
Their base Chiba city is one of small suburb town around metropolitan Tokyo.
But the small town is actually most famous town as " Rock Band Town". It is similar relationship New York City and Brooklyn.There are BUMP OF CHICKEN, KISHIDAN and Ellegarden,many of famous Japanese rock band got fly high from Chiba city to the main stream. And now a days, they became most sensational rock band in the world.
the audio pool is surely the band who's standing on the runway to fly high for next generation.
Their first debut album " Into the pool" was released by binyl records/Poptop in 2012. Their perfect song writhing which is washed and mixed thier own personality and musical DNA created one but diamond killer tune" Watershed"( T-1) . the song with heavy guitar riff and beautiful classic piano melody is needless to say became thier symbol song. In an i stant, " Watershed" was selected for ending theme song of drama in TV Tokyo.

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